

Fraud and financial irregularities are some of the most complex and challenging issues facing institutions today. Aratus possess detailed knowledge of international and Latin American legal frameworks and the admissibility of evidence and standards of proof required for civil and criminal actions. When conducting investigations, all information and data is collected to the highest ethical standards to ensure that our end product is accurate and admissible as part of an evidential catalogue.  Findings have been routinely tested in international courts and stood the test.  A non-exhaustive list of what our assignments typically cover is below:

  • Litigation support to law firms and legal counsel.
  • Embezzlement.
  • Asset tracing to support eventual recovery.
  • Internal fraud.
  • Product diversion schemes and grey market trade.
  • Conflicts of interest.
  • Illicit, counterfeit and pirate schemes.
  • Theft of intellectual property.
  • Identification of witnesses to assist with difficult investigations.
  • Anti-trust activities.
  • Employee or vendor kickback schemes
  • Internal hotline/ whistle-blower


Litigation Support

We help counsel design an appropriate and proportionate strategy, decide whether to proceed with litigation, negotiate a settlement or pursue alternative resolutions.

We look at the factual accuracy of statements and representations, uncover hidden assets and relationships, locate witnesses and evaluate their credibility, amongst other things.   Our findings inform the development of a corporate strategy as the dispute unfolds.

Fraud & Internal Investigations

The founding partners of Aratus possess over twenty-five years of operational experience gained on strategic operations across the globe.  Our strength is leveraging this experience into effective fact-finding strategies that collectively work to illuminate hidden or opaque issues.

We work to establish the facts to determine what actually happened, identify wrongdoers and hidden relationships and help re-establish trust with shareholders, partners, customers and other stakeholders.

We work closely with senior executive management and legal counsel.

Financial Investigations

Internal and external fraud, bribery, corruption, misappropriated assets and accounting irregularities are some of the financial risks facing companies and other organizations.

Aratus brings to each assignment years of experience across Latin and Central America.

We work to determine what occurred, who was responsible, and to plan and implement an asset tracing or loss mitigation strategy. Our specific area of expertise is identifying and uncovering indirect beneficial ownership when assets have been hidden or concealed. We provide clients with the independent analysis they require that is structured and jargon free and free from any conflicts of interest.

Asset Tracing

Identifying the location and value of hidden assets is a critical step in recovering assets in litigation, and in applying for appropriate legal relief.

Aratus has devised effective strategies to identify tangible and intangible assets in offshore jurisdictions and multi-layered corporate holdings. With strict adherence to privacy and protection laws, we are expert at following complicated financial trails to trace assets hidden locally or in foreign jurisdictions, and unwind complex asset-hiding schemes.

Misuse of Intellectual Property

Intellectual property theft can cost a company millions of dollars in lost revenue or market share, and sometimes damage competitive advantage and reputation.

Aratus works closely with clients to manage and protect intellectual property (IP). We help safeguard against piracy, counterfeiting, grey market diversion and misappropriation by former employees, business associates and third parties.

Regulatory Investigations

Regulators looking into Latin America have recently stepped up their scrutiny of corporations’ domestic and overseas operations and business development efforts, with an invigorated focus on bribery, kickbacks, anti-competitive behaviour and “pay-to-play” schemes involving government officials.

Aratus conducts investigations into alleged violations of laws, allegations of bribery and financial mismanagement including kickbacks, “propinas” paid for licencing, money laundering, internal control lapses and other financial improprieties.


Aratus has developed business-monitoring programs for the private sector to help them meet the challenges inherent in creating an environment based on integrity. Monitoring assignments identify and control fraudulent and/or unethical activity and enhance an organization’s integrity, especially where dispersion occurs in response to on-going monitoring efforts.